Friday, March 19, 2010

PERI Software expands offices to LA's Wells Fargo Tower

PERI Software Solutions Expands Global   
Consulting and Technology Services 

"We believe
Los Angeles leads the Pacific Rim in just about every industry and we want to help business grow to meet the regional and international markets," said President & CEO Sarav    Periasamy, PERI Software

Los Angeles, CA/ Newark, NJ PERI Software, based in New Jersey 
announced today it has opened new offices in the Wells Fargo Tower
in the business district of downtown Los Angeles to offer its 
advanced global business solutions to a high demand market in
Southern California. 

"After servicing clients in    California and on the West Coast,
we realized it was vital to bring
our services closer to a
rapidly growing technology market," explained President

and CEO Sarav Periasamy, PERI Software.  "We have just 
opened an office here, because, we believe Los Angeles 

leads the Pacific Rim in just about every industry and we want to help 
business grow to meet the technology needs of regional and international 

A recent SoCal economic forecast finds that technology, tourism and 
international trade will be the leading industries to the economic recovery. 
Research reveals that the business demand for technology products was 
very weak in the first three quarters of 2009, when businesses were
reducing costs drastically in order to survive the recession. 

But, demand picked up noticeably during the fourth quarter and sales of
technology products held up better on the consumer side.

“PERI delivers technology-based business solutions to help organizations 
worldwide control costs and cultivate growth by drawing on our deep industry
expertise,” said Periasamy. “We help companies facing growing pains by 
blending a strategic design, proven technology, and timely delivery of 
creative solutions that brings the best returns on IT investments.” 

PERI is a global consulting and technology services company specializing
in industry-specific solutions, strategic outsourcing and integration services.
The company was founded in 1999, and has grown to more than 700 
employees worldwide. In addition to the new Los Angeles office, it 
also has offices in San Jose, offshore facilities in Chennai, India and
the PERI headquarters in Newark, NJ. 

“Technology will be one of the strongest industries to lead the recovery,”
said Periasamy. “PERI is confident that we can play a vital role in meeting 
the technology industry business solutions needs, which is why we have 
expanded in Los Angeles.”

Sales of technology products held up better on the consumer side 
according to published reports. Purchases of products like computers, 
flat TV, and cell phones increased last year despite the recession and 
will continue to grow in 2010.

“There’s always demand for the well-designed personal gadgets 
like iPods and smart cell phones with media players, but business
is in transition to smart technology products, too, of which we produce 
so business can cut costs and get the job done in less time,” 
said Periasamy. 

“We are constantly hiring software engineers and employees to 
meet growing technology demands.”

About PERI
Founded in 1999, PERI is a global business solutions company, 
which has grown to more than 700 plus employees and delivers 
a high value-cost effective technology based business solutions 
along with software and smart-intelligent hardware products. 
PERI Draws on deep industry expertise and has a portfolio of 
interrelated consulting, business processes and application 
development. PERI blends strategic design, proven technology, 
and timely delivery of solutions that maximize customers return 
on IT investment.  For more about PERI visit: 

[Editors: For media interviews and images contact Aida Mayo
or George Mc Quade at 818-340-5300  or 818-618-9229 or  

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